Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Another Great Website
For you travelling freaks, holiday lovers, someone with lotsa girl-BFFs
this one is a worth visit!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Willingness To Cook

Watching Farah Quinn in one of the TV channel. The cooking SEEMS to be easy. Should I start to cook?
Cordon bleunya gampang tuh yaaang.. buat doong
I think I need to start cooking.
Hope God's hand will help me then :)
Friday, November 20, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Sekolah dan Menikah
Mama :
Investasi Papa yang paling besar itu di anak-anaknya. Kecuali kamu, kamu SD sampai SMA, negeri yang bayarannya ga pernah diatas Rp 50.000. Kuliah cuma bayar taun pertama, didiskon lagi. Ampe wisuda malah ga bayar apa-apa...Diantara adek-adek kamu kan kamu yang sekolah paling murah.. Makanya kawinan kamu gede-gedean.
Me :
Monday, November 16, 2009
Another Great Weekend part 2
Where's part 1? The previous post is the part 1 :).
Friday with Asti and Wiama, then Saturday with Abang, and Sunday with my Lil Sis.
My Saturday route with Abang starts from his home, then his friend's wedding (turns out his friend is), and our last resort is Manggala Wanabakti for Test Food! yeaaay... I think pictures speak more than words. So, u can check it out :)
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Friends With Great Camera

Yesterday I'm having a great time with great friends, Wiama and Asti.
Spend our time chitchatting, eating, gossiping (is it chitchatting also? ahh anyway), watching movie and being dropped by @ home :)
not to forget that we also taking pictures yeaaay (Thx Om Wi for fullfilling my request hehehe). too bad dont have an online album for 'em aside of Facebook.
anyway, Wiama has a blog with great pictures. pls take a look here.

Thursday, November 12, 2009
In A Rush
I started to think of how my life will goes later...
and I started to understand.
Right now, I need to chop my body in 3 pieces.
1 for me, 1 for my work, 1 for my family (which consists of his and mine)
anyway, I'm enjoying it :)
Self thought,
Saturday, November 7, 2009
The Checklist
Was wondering, why do I keep on writing anything relating to wedding while this blog was never meant to be a wed-preparation blog :P
Anyway, my checklist so far:
-invitation+decoration's down payment
-meeting with catering
-deciding invitation+decoration's design
-deciding menus
-appointing committee
-start buying 'seserahan'
-start buying uniforms
-contacting make up artist
-start listing names for invitation
what to do next:
-invitation's payment term 1
-drawing map to the house for holy matrimony
-check colour
-print invitation
-hook up committees with the coordinator
-technical meeting with Manggala
-check entertainment
-Rheino's down payment
-crosscheck invitation lists with Abang
rr.. okey, i'll think about the other later. :P
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Prewedding Pictures
Last Sunday my soulmate and I were taking prewedding pictures. Very sorry I can't upload it now. BIG SURPRISE hahaha... (i know, the title cheated you hahaha)
Anyway, our pictures were taken by Andi Sufyandi (+628122050551). During photo session, this guy -without realizing at all- had his wallet accidentally opened by my Sis (because she thought it was my fiancee's wallet) and accidentally taken to the office by my Dad (because he thought it was his wallet) hahaha
Our make up were done by Dyah Margiastuti (+628129459142). Tante Dyah is now enjoying her 51st years of living, having 1 grand daughter, yet still productive and stunning!
Here are some peek of their work (but not for my prewed pictures)
Tante Dyah's magic tricks:
Andi's magic clicks:
do contact them soon, they won't disappoint you :)