First, Mom+I took a fabrics-hunting sport @ mayestik. Yes, for the wedding kebayas+suits. Thought that we're going to look for mine first, and the rest can wait until the other day.
We go hunting to 2 shops first, one has this 50% discount for all stuffs, one has lots of men's fabrics. Bought 1 for my ceremony and 2 (for reception+ceremony) for my beloved soulmate, Abang (in the end of my day, we just realized that the fabric Abang is going to use for ceremony didnt really match my kebaya fabric. So we decided to borrow it form the make up artist, but we're going to buy the batik and etc.).
Mom was pretty much confuse about the colours of the jilbab for the kebayas, so the guy in the 2nd shop pointed us to this shop called Purnama Tekstil. We ended bought the uniforms for ceremony and reception for our parents, grannies, aunties, sisters, and brothers over there.
We also bought fabrics for my reception. It's my most expensive fabrics, and very much the apple of my eye! I think i'll end up gazing/adoring/memorizing it before have it being sewn. We also being served with cappucinos, croissants, samosas (which they wrapped too so i can bring them home), sate ayam and teh tawar. Definitely my most expensive snacks+lunch. hahaha

Second, I'm swimming!!! yeaaay!!! Abang sms-ed me saying that he didnt quite feel good so he wanted me to accompany him swimming. Right after i came home, Abang pick me up to swim in Ocean Park. never really liked the place, but i think swimming in the afternoon over there is OK. Wasn't too crowded and we can swim in the riverstream pool without any hesitation :). I am so gonna take my Abang for swimming again, I love swimming and I love it more when Abang is with me! ^^
Actually, the reason why Abang was dropping by was because we had our appointment with our future photographer being cancelled because his boss suddenly asked him to accompany the office's client. Kinda disappointed especially Abang drove real far from Jatibening just to meet him @ the very first place. I know he's very tired. Seeing him coming without even thinkin about his tireness reall put me in a very ambiguous feeling. Touched, for he came all the way for the sake of our wedding preparation and for swimming with me, but kinda sad seeing him super tired like that. Probably I love him too much, I'm being over-worried.
Thank God, Dad's fave guy to sew his suit was dropping by to fit Dad+Abang's height so the suit can be sewn real fast! Quite paid Abang's effort to come all the way! :)
It's a nice day.
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