tuh kan maen ini seru banget..
anyway, mine's here.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Godaan terberat
godaan terberat gw adalah ketika gw menemukan bahwa ada banyak cara untuk blogging dan website A,B,C menawarkan berbagai kemudahan blogging yang amat sangat.
paling lama dulu gw pake ini (4years+). terus gw ganti ke sini. sekarang sejak adek gw pake ini, gw jadi tertarik.. kayanya post gambar/video/linknya nampak lebih asyik..
gimana yaaa
ps: tp gw ga pernah tertarik untuk ini (punya sih accountnya, soalnya dulu gw kira itu situs game -__- )
paling lama dulu gw pake ini (4years+). terus gw ganti ke sini. sekarang sejak adek gw pake ini, gw jadi tertarik.. kayanya post gambar/video/linknya nampak lebih asyik..
gimana yaaa
ps: tp gw ga pernah tertarik untuk ini (punya sih accountnya, soalnya dulu gw kira itu situs game -__- )
Self thought
A Good Example
I'm not a big fan of Ahmadinejad. But this article makes me wonder can our mr president do so?
Self thought
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Sell What You Sell, Eat What You Sell
I was going out with my little sister when we decided to had our lunch in one of the pizza bar in our surroundings.
When I sat @ the place, i notice that there's several people -probably colleagues- hanging out together behind my table. Later on, i recognized that one of them is the pizza bar owner because she kept on going in and out of the pantry area.
One thing that made us kinda surprised was that she kept on ordering her employees to re-heat the foods and drinks she bought somewhere else and serve them to her and the colleagues. and definitely not the pizza she sells at the place (which actually tasted OK).
That made me compared her to one of the restaurant owners I know quite well, who always order food from the menu on their own restaurant. I think it's a good business attitude. How can you expect people to eat what you sell, when you yourself not gonna eat it?
When I sat @ the place, i notice that there's several people -probably colleagues- hanging out together behind my table. Later on, i recognized that one of them is the pizza bar owner because she kept on going in and out of the pantry area.
One thing that made us kinda surprised was that she kept on ordering her employees to re-heat the foods and drinks she bought somewhere else and serve them to her and the colleagues. and definitely not the pizza she sells at the place (which actually tasted OK).
That made me compared her to one of the restaurant owners I know quite well, who always order food from the menu on their own restaurant. I think it's a good business attitude. How can you expect people to eat what you sell, when you yourself not gonna eat it?
Self thought
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Naik Naik Ke Puncak Gunung
gw tidak membicarakan masalah trekking ke gunung A, B, atau C. apalagi ngomongin Puncak. gw lagi ngomongin kenaekan harga di kiri dan kanan, atas dan bawah, depan dan belakang..
bukan sok kritis ya, tapi gw lagi gondooook setengah mati.
tarif dasar listrik kan naek tuh, tapi yang namanya mati lampu kayanya jalan terus. ga ya gw di rumah, ga ya gw di kantor, terakhir gw di rumah sakit.. ga kebayang deh gw nanti lagi di ruang operasi mati lampu. naudzubillahimindzaliiiikkkkk...
i think it's fair enough to think that if prices rise, it should come with better condition; minimal sih bs memperbaiki hal2 yang kurang. jadi yang bayar juga ga merasa dikerjain.
gw tau kadang pemakaian listrik orang suka lebay, tapi ga juga mati lampunya continues dooong..
ah tau ah gelap. byar pet.
Self thought
Monday, July 19, 2010
I Never Regret
this is the comment that i was going to write in my bestie's post in her blog. tapi karena super panjang, gw jadiin posting di blog gw aja deh, biar dia baca disini hehehe :)
here's what i was going to write:
been there
and the "kok gw masih disini" akan makin parah pas lo udah nikah :)
tapi... the understanding akan make u got through that kok
kalo gw sih, ketika gw kena sindrom "ih kenapa gw ngejogrok disini aja tp yg lain maju terus?" gw selalu inget masa2 ketika gw memutuskan menikah, memilih menjalani hidup jadi istri ibu sama anak yg berdedikasi :P
toh walau skenario hidup gw agak di luar perencanaan gw, tp berjalan dengan amat sangat baik kok.
instead of sekolah di jepang, gw got the chance to do volunteer work sama istri2 jepang disini. and i got another million second chances untuk melakukan hal seru lainnya.
instead of travelling backpacking tiap tahun, i got the chance to help my husband and his mom to run the family travel business. it equals, tahun depan gw bisa Haji alhamdulillah
instead of running my career in UN, i got the chance to assist my dad building apartments here and there. i got the broader networking and new knowledge. i can safely say gw lulusan sastra jepang yg bisa baca feasibility study-nya sebuah proyek dan baca denah rumah :)
instead of having fun all day and hanging out with friends, I am now enjoying my moments with husband and my baby to be. i still go out with friends, sometimes and husband also still go out friends, sometimes. other times we hang out together with our friends
and unlike some people, i can say, getting married does give me a lot of other opportunities and luck i may not have if i havent got married.
for that i feel blessed. and i never regret.
Namanya Asa. Nama bayi yang sekarang sedang gw kandung. Asa berarti harapan, kalo bahasa Taurat sih itu artinya penyembuh. Kalo bahasa Jepang artinya pagi. Walau gw ga tau dia akan lahir pagi siang sore malam, tp kalo toh ga lahir pagi, gw masih bs ngeles arti namanya yg lain kan? hahaha
Sebenernya gw pengen namain dia Asa gara-gara gw nonton drama Merlin di DVD. Pemerannya Mordred namanya Asa, and he got this greyish eyes. Keren ya? dan yang paling penting semua orang ga ada yg protes namanya Asa. dari sekarang, si baby udah punya panggilan deh pokoknya. walau tetep aja kita belom punya nama lengkapnya, la wong ga tau si baby laki apa perempuan :)
Asa has been a really nice kid, mungkin dia ngerti badan emaknya udah agak di luar batas, jadi setiap gw makan banyak, anak gw akan mulai membuat gw mual2 (diluar morning sickness gw ya, itu bukan gara2 Asa, tp emang salah hormon hahaha). jadi makan gw emang dikit tp sering hehe. yah so far berat badan gw ga pernah naek tuh udah 13 minggu. cuma perut gw buncit hihihi. mudah2an kalo pun naik, abis lahirin Asa semoga gw bisa langsing hahaha *ngarep*
Asa juga membuat gw makan makanan yg lebih sehat. gw ga pernah mual makan sayur, tp setiap gw bandel nyolong latte nyokap atau indomienya adek gw, langsung dia ngambek haha. muntah dan puyeng2 gw :)
hari ini gw lagi sakit. dan baru malem ini sempet ke dokternya Asa. kasian gw sama anak gw sebenernya. sakit gini gw makan ga ada yg enak. mana bubur ga tau kenapa tiba2 susah dicari.. makan nasi aja hoek2 gw.. seharian ini gw akhirnya cuma ngedoping Asa pake susu hamil dan air zam2. udah mana ni anak babenya lagi membanting tulang bawa jamaah umroh ke arab dan cairo... yang sabar ya nak...
Semoga kamu sehat ya Asa.. semoga kita berdua selamet, sempurna dan sehat selama kehamilan, persalinan dan pasca persalinan.. semoga kamu jadi anak yang soleh, yang ganteng kalo kamu laki, yang cantik kalo kamu cewe, yang iman, yang pinter, yang baik, nurut, rukun, bangga sama kami berdua dan kami berdua bisa bangga sama kamu, yang punya pekerjaan dan pendidikan yang baik dan barokah, nanti punya jodoh yang barokah juga, yang bahagia, dan selalu dilindungi Allah swt
we love u kiddo.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Ngobrol dengan Adek Bayi
gw sering banget ngobrol sama anak gw di perut..
gw doain dia..
gw cerita2...
gw sharing...
gw ajak nonton dvd...
gw bacain Qur'an...
gw ajak solat...
gw nyanyiin...
gw cerita2...
gw sharing...
gw ajak nonton dvd...
gw bacain Qur'an...
gw ajak solat...
gw nyanyiin...
pagi ini, perut gw kram banget... biasanya gw akan merajuk ke suami gw untuk ngelus2 perut gw, dan abis itu kramnya pasti hilang..
tapi, papanya adek bayi lagi tidur kecapean. subuh2 nyari bahan2 kuliah, semalem pun dia pulang malem dari kantor dan kampus.
jadi, gw bilang ke anak gw sambil ngelus2 dia,
dek, papa lagi sibuk, lagi kecapean, adek yang sabar yah.. nanti kamu pasti dielus2 lagi tiap pagi...
abis itu, kram gw hilang.. call me stupid, lebay bin melankolis, tapi gw tau anak gw super pengertian.
ps: menurut ini, usia segini anak gw udah bs merasakan sentuhan.. senang <3>
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
that tiny thing..
in another 8 months.. im gonna be a mom. and he's gonna be a dad..
everyday im praying that our child is gonna be our and everyone's best
that he/she will be someone tough and faithful
that he/she will be happy in his/her own life later
that he/she will be perfectly healthy and everything
endless prayers for you my child...
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Last night my sister screamed out that her class money (she's the treasury) went missing. 1,3 million rupiahs just disappeared from her bag. from a 5th grader bag.
I asked her to sit and calm down. She gave me the whole flow about what happen today
Sister: The teacher checked the money, she then asked me to put it in my bag. asked me to be careful since it's a lot of money
Me: What the hell? why do you have to bring it around with you?
Sister: Im not! its just yesterday she asked me to bring all the money
Me: who saw you bring the money?
Sister: xx,yy,zz (named 3 friends)
Me: arent zz is the one that you gave prank on her birthday? the one u set up as a thief to give the whole surprize?
Sister: i wasnt playing pranks with her! its one of the It Girl in my class who got the plan...
Mom: Later, do not join the pranks even if your besties asked you too. i think this time you got the prank. tomorrow's your birthday right? even the teacher sms me and said she didnt hold the money and we should wait till tomorrow.
Me: The teacher is impossible to join the joke right?
Sister: she loves to do prank
Dad: lets pay revenge :) sms the teacher that we gonna report to the police about the money.
as what expected it is a prank. The teacher went freaked out and tell the truth. She's even a part of the whole silly joke.
Knowing it, I kinda feel sad. I can assume to 2 points:
- teacher who supposed to make the kid feel secure is making the kid insecure. Cant blame her if the kid wont trust her anymore
- kid's jokes lately are very very annoying and silly. playing around with money and stuff. who knows what happened if the kid being set up was stressed and freaked out. Blame the TV? or should we blame our whole ignorance towards them?
bday surprise was supposed to be all nice right?
all i know, my sister has made herself promise that she wont do anymore prank, to anyone.
Self thought
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
My Partners In Crime
introducing Abang. Partner in Crime number 1! IRREPLACEABLE :)

3 years ago...
3 years later
Introducing Andin & Issa & Mbeng. Both my partner in crime number 2
(well, 2 is enough to be shared by 3 people)

-err.. no pictures-

I can assure if anyone messes with them. they mess with me. and people dont want to mess with me. NUFF SAID.

3 years ago...

Introducing Andin & Issa & Mbeng. Both my partner in crime number 2
(well, 2 is enough to be shared by 3 people)

-err.. no pictures-

I can assure if anyone messes with them. they mess with me. and people dont want to mess with me. NUFF SAID.
The Lens

The fact is: I want the lens but i need to save. So when my mom offered me to buy that, I said No. She Gave Me A Lot Already. But then she remembered we planned to travel (which we dont know whether it's gonna happen or not *sigh), she remembered that we love taking pictures. She remembered my husband loves to take my portraiture pictures.
So she bought him this as a late bday present. Well, but I must say I'm happy too.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Show Off or Complaining?
I have this friend.
Know her since ages ago.
Know every single her ups and downs.
I saw her as a one lucky person. Breaking off, finding new love, got married, and now pregnant.
and all she do now was saying how proud she is living on her own, far from parents and how people who still live with parents (look at me) are never as tired and as dedicated as her.
I dont know it's showing off or it's complaining.
All i know, it's annoying.
Know her since ages ago.
Know every single her ups and downs.
I saw her as a one lucky person. Breaking off, finding new love, got married, and now pregnant.
and all she do now was saying how proud she is living on her own, far from parents and how people who still live with parents (look at me) are never as tired and as dedicated as her.
I dont know it's showing off or it's complaining.
All i know, it's annoying.
Self thought
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
saya benci jadi perempuan by Meilani Fauziah
this is a note from Facebook. My friend tagged me and i think it's great :)
*english translation.. later, when im not so-called-busy*
saya benci jadi perempuan.
di saat para lelaki tinggal ongkang-ongkang kaki karena sarapan sudah disediakan, saya masih harus mengolesi roti saya sendiri (dan roti mereka), menjerang air panas untuk teh manis saya (dan teh mereka).
saya benci jadi perempuan.
di saat para lelaki masih tertidur pulas karena sudah pesan ini-itu agar dibangunkan jam 5 pagi,, saya harus setel alarm sendiri. usaha sendiri. tak terdengar? bangun kesiangan? siapa yang peduli ?
saya benci jadi perempuan.
di saat para lelaki tak perlu masak ini-itu untuk makan pagi-siang-malem.. saya? tak masak, tak makan.
saya benci jadi perempuan.
di saat Bunda bela-belain nabung buat biaya S2. S3 (dan Es-eS lainnya) untuk para lelaki, saya harus puas dengan gelar S1. " Kan kamu perempuan.. Nanti aja minta sama suami. "
saya benci jadi perempuan.
apalagi di sinetron. yang entah kenapa selalu menyajikan PEREMPUAN CANTIK TAPI IDIOT UDAH GITU CENGENG PULA jadi pemeran utama. sinting.
saya benci jadi perempuan.
di saat para lelaki dimaklumi karena hanya bisa melakukan satu hal di saat bersamaan, perempuan di tuntut multitasking. ini sangat keren, kawan..
saya benci jadi perempuan.
karena harus melahirkan. kalo anaknya nanti soleh dan baik budi,, kalo durhaka.. yang dibilang : siapa sih ibunya? setan.
saya benci jadi perempuan.
perempuan cantik.. yang mulutnya seperti kebun binatang. kata-kata "bangsat", "keparat", "bajingan". sumpah, ini tidak terdengar bagus keluar dari mulut perempuan.
saya benci jadi perempuan.
karena bisa melahirkan para laki-laki yang bisa bikin saya patah hati.
saya benci jadi perempuan.
perempuan sinetron.. sudah saya bilang yah? hihihi...
saya benci jadi perempuan.
yang mengaku sundel bolong, yang meninggal pas lagi menstruasi, yang mati bego di ranjang, yang diperkosa pocong, dan perawan yang gantung diri pake ikat kuntilanak. emang gak pantes idup kali.
saya benci jadi perempuan.
yang kalo si pacar (laki-laki abnormal) berani maen tampar-tamparan, dia MASIH BISA BILANG "Tapi aku sayang sama dia.. namanya juga khilaf. " TOLOL.
saya benci jadi perempuan.. untuk beberapa hal.
tapi saya mencintai menjadi perempuan.. untuk begitu banyak hal. amat teramat banyak hal. tak terhitung. apalagi dengan " kecrekan yang saya pakai selagi TK untuk matematika sederhana 1 + 2 = 3. "
^ Selamat hari Kartini, perempuan! ^
*english translation.. later, when im not so-called-busy*
saya benci jadi perempuan.
di saat para lelaki tinggal ongkang-ongkang kaki karena sarapan sudah disediakan, saya masih harus mengolesi roti saya sendiri (dan roti mereka), menjerang air panas untuk teh manis saya (dan teh mereka).
saya benci jadi perempuan.
di saat para lelaki masih tertidur pulas karena sudah pesan ini-itu agar dibangunkan jam 5 pagi,, saya harus setel alarm sendiri. usaha sendiri. tak terdengar? bangun kesiangan? siapa yang peduli ?
saya benci jadi perempuan.
di saat para lelaki tak perlu masak ini-itu untuk makan pagi-siang-malem.. saya? tak masak, tak makan.
saya benci jadi perempuan.
di saat Bunda bela-belain nabung buat biaya S2. S3 (dan Es-eS lainnya) untuk para lelaki, saya harus puas dengan gelar S1. " Kan kamu perempuan.. Nanti aja minta sama suami. "
saya benci jadi perempuan.
apalagi di sinetron. yang entah kenapa selalu menyajikan PEREMPUAN CANTIK TAPI IDIOT UDAH GITU CENGENG PULA jadi pemeran utama. sinting.
saya benci jadi perempuan.
di saat para lelaki dimaklumi karena hanya bisa melakukan satu hal di saat bersamaan, perempuan di tuntut multitasking. ini sangat keren, kawan..
saya benci jadi perempuan.
karena harus melahirkan. kalo anaknya nanti soleh dan baik budi,, kalo durhaka.. yang dibilang : siapa sih ibunya? setan.
saya benci jadi perempuan.
perempuan cantik.. yang mulutnya seperti kebun binatang. kata-kata "bangsat", "keparat", "bajingan". sumpah, ini tidak terdengar bagus keluar dari mulut perempuan.
saya benci jadi perempuan.
karena bisa melahirkan para laki-laki yang bisa bikin saya patah hati.
saya benci jadi perempuan.
perempuan sinetron.. sudah saya bilang yah? hihihi...
saya benci jadi perempuan.
yang mengaku sundel bolong, yang meninggal pas lagi menstruasi, yang mati bego di ranjang, yang diperkosa pocong, dan perawan yang gantung diri pake ikat kuntilanak. emang gak pantes idup kali.
saya benci jadi perempuan.
yang kalo si pacar (laki-laki abnormal) berani maen tampar-tamparan, dia MASIH BISA BILANG "Tapi aku sayang sama dia.. namanya juga khilaf. " TOLOL.
saya benci jadi perempuan.. untuk beberapa hal.
tapi saya mencintai menjadi perempuan.. untuk begitu banyak hal. amat teramat banyak hal. tak terhitung. apalagi dengan " kecrekan yang saya pakai selagi TK untuk matematika sederhana 1 + 2 = 3. "
^ Selamat hari Kartini, perempuan! ^
Self thought
Friday, April 16, 2010
Photoshop and Lightroom
Wiama suggests me to start using Lightroom, and when i had it, I go all the way looking for tutorials and such. Then, I found something called "presets". Kinda similar to "action" in Photoshop, supposedly to make your processing job easier. I surf down the net and found this website, PresetsHeaven (which i found very much amusing!).
In one of his articles, the author wrote this:
Hi all!Since I started using Lightroom I more often have a look at my old holiday photos. I believe the reason is because I like to play/experiment with them. Earlier I used Photoshop for this, but using “actions” in Photoshop is quite time-consuming since the only way of seeing an effect is to first apply it. If you know exactly what your action does, it works great though. If I’m just going to play with a particular photo, Photoshop would still be a good choice, but when it comes to multiple images…no thank you.
If I have 5 Thumbs, guess i'm gonna give it all to him. :)).
Lightroom is soo taking my heart away :P
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
process em or not?
there's this thing about photoshop actions. because i can just click it then zap, the picture's nuance changes.
later i realize that even using actions requires you to be creative, and sensitive. it made me learn (like it or not) to edit the pictures outside using the actions..
still, i love editing/post processing those pictures.
but, questions then arise. process em or not. i mean, I wanna use the DSLR because it creates different image from the ordinary pocket cam, so why still i edit them?
i dont know. shud i continue my editing thing??
Monday, April 12, 2010
distance is a good measurement
i always realize that i love my family.
but, in those times when we are close to each other, days were like just passing by.
distance, is a good measurement about how much you love them. you;ll end up realize you love them more than you thought.
my brother stays in NZ, and my sis stays outside of town. i often miss them. and when i stay out of town, i get to miss my littlest sister and my folks. i even always miss my husband when he's off to college and work.
yesterday i got the chance to spend the whole day with my sister. very fun. and i really enjoyed it.
i now longing for the day hubby will come home from his job out of the country. im going to hug him real tight he cant even breath.
Self thought
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Study (?) Room
2 big doors are placed in the both sides of the study desk not just for an accent but also acted as the source of air and scenery. since red quite dominates the room, colours like yellow/limegreen/wooden floor can brighten the whole idea of the room making it comfortable and cheerful
Thursday, April 1, 2010
(to the) Off(ice) We Go
Working all day doesnt mean we cant look OK, instead, it's time for us to look fabulous! Good Look = Good Mood = Good Job
1 1/2 Serenity
I consider bedroom as a place to relax and rest, so a big window is a must. the mezzanine is for the supporting activity in the room, make up and looking for inspiration!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
The Simplest Tone
Black, Grey and White are part of the simplest color tone that makes my day more than just a simple day :)
Be My Guest
Guest Bedroom is a terrific melting pot, rest area and all in one place! Well incase the bed is not enough for you guys to share with. there's always a couch!
Dive In To Blue
Blue cant kill your mood, Blue's boosting it up! especially with that pretty ceramic rings! :)
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
I Change My Clothes in Eiffel
I have that tickled - feeling about walk-in closet. If i have one, I'm pretty sure it has to be comfortable for me to walk around thinking what to wear that day. that's why a pretty big couch is a must, in case i fell asleep for being too tired to choose :)
My Sister, is a hell of a creative person. So I created her a penthouse with her kind of stuff. Sofa that she can sleep in, a Canon 1d MarkIV, Piano with a plushy couch, Big screen TV, Colourful lamp and a popcorn machine for her late midnight snack ;)
Sunday, March 28, 2010
The Powder Room
I think powder room is essentials as a bathroom, with the toilet and a sink, it's like an ER in a hospital :)
Your Bathroom is Your New Holiday Destination
Who says bathroom cant be fun? drown your self into a warm bathtub, with scented candles. then go make yourself up in the suede chair :)
Boom boom bloom!
Indonesia never has a spring time, its always hot and rainy :) so if we have spring, i guess this is the kinda stuff to describe it :)
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Comfy Corner
Window is a gate for inspiration. Go curl in your most favourite window in the room and do something you like till time fly by. you know, like wondering bout love or taking pictures of unordinary things or maybe just sit there until you fall asleep. me love those stuffs.
A Trip To Savana
I was wondering of a good travel around the world.. having a stop by in africa.. lets pray for it...
Checkered Days
Aren't we all love branded stuff? (despise the fact that I cant afford it (yet))
Aren't we all love white? (despise the fact I look fat in it (but soon im not (i hope))
Stop and Just Go!
Inspired by the